- The only replaceable battery machine in the market! Battery can be recharged off 110 volts in less time than it takes to use it up.
- Battery can be changed within three minutes
- Can be operated on any job site.
- Sliding front plate allows for exact blade angle
- Exclusive swivel blade head adjusts blade pitch and angle keeping the blade in contact with the floor.
- Zero turn radius for easy maneuverability.
- Precise hydraulic systems for exact maneuvering in tight spaces and extremely low maintenance.
- Made in USA. Excellent Customer Service!
VCT, VAT, Carpet, Rubber Back, Vinyl, Woven, Unitary, Enhancer, Adhesives, Vinyl Back, some Ceramics and Thinsets, Hardwood Parquet and Planking, Epoxy, Urethane and other Coatings, Roofing Material and more.
PLEASE NOTE: This is a “build to order”. Please allow 4-6 weeks.